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Dec 28, 2015

Ashe from the Liberty Entrepreneurs podcast interviews Jake about starting a business, selling a business, and financial independence.  They talk about Jake's background, becoming an entrepreneur, selling a company, and life afterwards. In this episode, you can hear about the people and books that influenced Jake, and...

Dec 16, 2015

I had an amazing experience getting feedback during the writing of my new book, Job Free: Four Ways to Quit the Rat Race and Achieve Financial Freedom on Your Terms. I had 165 beta readers during development. That's a lot of feedback!

This episode is about the process of crowdsourcing feedback, using the example of my...

Dec 12, 2015

In this interview, Tuur and Becca talk about life as perpetual travellers, living on bitcoin. They describe how they got interested in bitcoin and how it has become an integral part of their international lifestyle. They also explain how they cope with the roller-coaster volatility of living from bitcoin.

Tuur was one...