Mar 26, 2012
An interview with Jeffrey Tucker about his book "It's
a Jetsons World: Private Miracles and Public
Crimes" (available online for free).
a Jetsons World" is about how we are surrounded by miracles
created in the private sector, particularly in the digital
universe, and yet we don't appreciate them enough. Meanwhile, the
public sector is systematically wrecking the physical world in
sneaky and petty ways that really do matter.
Jeffrey discusses these themes further in the interview, such as
the global communication revolution that we are living through and
it's amazing impact on all our lives. He also talks about the
destructive role that the State is having during this time of great
progress. "We are very fortunate to be living in a social,
cultural and economic transition that makes the industrial
revolution look like nothing by comparison. The amazing irony is
that it is happening exactly at the same time when Leviathan, at
least in the developed world, is on the march as never
before". Jeffrey Tucker (from the interview)
He discusses some of the ideas from the book in more detail, such
as the negative impact of Intellectual Property law and the moral
hazard that it creates, as IP corrupts the outlook of
entrepreneurs. The interview is full of Jeffrey's brilliantly
optimistic and positive outlook.
"We shouldn't be afraid to read things that are utterly
contrary to what think we believe, because it's only going to
strengthen us. If we are fearless intellectuals, which we should
all be- to the point where we are utterly fearless, then we
shouldn't be afraid of any writer, any genre or any political point
of view. It just makes us better thinkers."
Jeffrey Tucker (from the interview)
Show Notes:
The Birth of Plenty: How the Prosperity of the Modern World was
A Splendid Exchange: How Trade Shaped the World
The Ultimate Resource 2
Steve Jobs: "we have always been
shameless about stealing great ideas"