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Sep 30, 2019

A chapter from the audiobook Job Free by Jake Desyllas.

Show Notes:

Bonus Episode 89: Leverage In Investing

Sep 30, 2019

Bonus Episode 89

Bonus Episode 89 provides a follow-up discussion about the Infinite Banking Concept (discussed in Bonus Episode 74) and goes on to talk about the idea of using leverage in investing.

You can get access to this and other bonus episodes by becoming a patron on Patreon or alternatively by supporting TVL...

Sep 23, 2019

How much risk should you take when investing? Is the Permanent Portfolio approach too risk-averse? Here's a great discussion from a recent livestream.

Show Notes:

Bonus Episode 88: Implementing A Permanent Portfolio

Sep 23, 2019

Bonus Episode 88: Implementing A Permanent Portfolio

Bonus Episode 88 is a discussion about some detailed aspects of implementing a permanent portfolio, including questions such as what kind of bonds are required. It is taken from the recent livestream on Fail-Safe Investing.

You can get access to this and other bonus episodes by becoming a patron on Patreon or...

Sep 16, 2019

What is it like to visit a meetup about the philosophy of objectivism? Here is my experience! This is a bonus episode for patrons originally recorded in early 2018. 

Show Notes: